Recap 18/02

Recap 18/02

2018 Week 2 – If you think you need some fancy new equipment, print it out or write it down and put it somewhere safe along with the money. Wait four weeks and reconsider. Total TSS: 528   Total Time: 7 hr 48 min  TSS/Hour: 67,6 A full week of working out. I did not have a rest day because I didn´t feel like taking one. Fatigue isn´t that bad and I could hit all my workouts (except one) with full…

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AG Data Fest – Age Groups of Frankfurt Marathon Finishers

AG Data Fest – Age Groups of Frankfurt Marathon Finishers

As you all know I ran the Frankfurt Marathon last year. My race report can be found here but I did something else I almost forgot about: I made a chart on the age group for each finisher. The lighter the color, the younger a finisher. The chart reads from top left to bottom right. Not surprisingly it shows that younger runners dominate the front rows, while the back rows are predominantly dark blue, but overall I am surprised how…

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Recap 18/01

Recap 18/01

2018 Week 1 – How do I improve in all three disciplines? I don´t. Focus on one discipline and master it. I´ll start with the bike. Total TSS: 442   Total Time: 6 hr 46 min  TSS/Hour: 65,3 The new year is here and it is going to be great one! I started off pretty awful, my legs were still in a very bad shape at new years. The worlds most horrible quad sore eventually went away though and I could…

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Recap Week 52

Recap Week 52

The final week of 2017 was a painful one. I retested my FTP and came out at 312 W, which is a massive improvement. It was painful as shit though. For most of the past 6 weeks sweet spot base I had my road bike on the turbo and swapped it for the TT only very recently. Until then I haven´t ridden the TT hard at all and I realized quickly even during warm up that it makes a hell…

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2017 in Numbers

2017 in Numbers

2017 is drawing to a close. And since I feel like crap and my quads are completely shot from our run on Wednesday I might as well start writing my annual recap. To make it short – 2017 was fantastic. I finished my first 70.3, crept up close to the podium in our local sprint series, developed my bike FTP like crazy and PR´ed my open half and marathon. Races in numbers: April, 70.3 Florida. First HIM in 5:11 June,…

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Recap Week 51

Recap Week 51

Training Diary Week 51/2017. A week in the name of recovery. I completed my Sweet Spot Base 1 plan. The workouts last week were all low intensity steady state recovery rides and I swapped the road for the TT bike. That taught me two things: My aero position was too aggressive and I have to start spending time in aero right away. Couldn’t hold it for longer than 10 minutes even at very low intensity. So I guess it is…

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First impressions: Nice

First impressions: Nice

While I am waiting at the airport for my delayed flight I might as well write down a few thoughts about Nice, France. I´ve spend one night and half a day here and it was wonderful. I flew in yesterday morning and was surprised first by the bloody cold and by how tiny Nice apparently is. The airport is pretty right in the city and my hotel was only 15 minutes away. Unlike most other cities the airport didn´t feel…

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Big goals – Preparing your next season

Big goals – Preparing your next season

Around our latitudes the tri season is very shortlived. It begins end of April and before you´ve fully settled into your rhythm and feel like you´re on top of your game September rolls around and it is all over again. And as soon as you´re crossing the finish line at your last big event you hear the nagging voice in your head asking „what´s next?“. So here we are. Hopefully with a big season behind us and an even bigger…

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Recap Week 50

Recap Week 50

Time to come back to regular reporting – writing – recapping. I´m a lazy bastard when it comes to keeping notes but I remember well that keeping track of progress and thoughts over the week really helped me tremendously to identify my strengths and weaknesses better. As a bonus I now finally have enough data to compare my workouts with session from a year ago and see where I´ve made improvements. Last week was pretty tough and I felt the…

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The two-level approach to triathlon training

The two-level approach to triathlon training

Doing triathlons is hard. Because swimming in a crowd getting punched in the face is hard. Because riding a bicycle for extended amounts of time sitting on your crotch is hard. Because running long distances after spending long hours swimming and biking is hard. Not pooping your pants is hard. Figuring out what gear works for your body is hard. Finding time between work and family is hard. Maintaining the facade of some resemblance of a social life when you´re…

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