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Month: Juni 2018

Check In – Final 5

Check In – Final 5

Here we are 5 weeks out! I’ve had an okay week recently, not doing quite as much as I was hoping for because of terrible weather. Went for a long-ish ride yesterday and aimed at 4.5 to 5 hours, but in heavy wind and rain I called it a day after 3:45. No point in grinding myself down, risking illness or an accident. You see, the one thing I excel at is finding an excuse to train a little less…

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Check In – Final 6

Check In – Final 6

Here we are less than six weeks from the big day. Time to check where I’m at and start planning for the big day. Overall I am feeling okay and sort of confident. I’ve lost 1.5 kg since I started the program and don’t have any serious injuries. It is scary as hell, but in a good way. Back when I was racing MTB I tried to scare myself a little bit each session. You know, not too much but…

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Bike Ride Analysis Hannover Limmer 70.3

Bike Ride Analysis Hannover Limmer 70.3

I’ve written the race report for my recent 70.3 distance race already, but I wanted to go further into detail on my bike ride. I’ve mentioned already that even though it was supposedly a B-race I was still hoping for a solid ride. I finished far below what I was secretly hoping for and I’d like to figure out why exactly. Let’s start with my subjective impression of things that went well. My position was spot on. I felt reasonably…

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Race Report Hannover Limmer MD

Race Report Hannover Limmer MD

Here I am a day after my latest half ironman distance. I had to bail out of 70.3 St. Pölten the week before due to some hip issues and family commitments and decided to do the „Training Half“ here instead. Cheap local event, well organized with a good course and great vibes. The race went okay as far as prep races go. I got a better feel for my pacing, realized that I need to adjust my nutrition plan slightly…

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