Training Log 17/38

This week was all about sharpening up for our half marathon on next Sunday. I´ve signed up for this run with my two mates and am really excited about it. Over the season we don´t get to do much together – one is an ultra-runner, another a fast marathon runner and myself a triathlete, so our workouts rarely connect, unless it is an easy run. Now at the end of the season we can do shit together, which is fantastic. A half next week, a full a month later.
To prep for the half I´ve ramped up my running slightly, ramped down my cycling and stopped swimming altogether. Also having the full in mind I began doing longer runs, culminating in yesterdays first 30k run of the year. At the other end of the spectrum I´ve been more consistent with my intervals and it is going very well. The only difficult bit is looming injury, I can already feel my feet becoming more sore and tender. And if there is one thing I don’t want to have to deal with ever again that is foot injury. For now I am staying ahead of it, just. It takes plenty of foam rolling and treading on golf balls though.
- Monday – Off after bike race.
- Tuesday – 8 * 400 running intervals, all between 1:25 and 1:27. Felt good and it wasn’t all out. My form is becoming cleaner and I am feeling more efficient at higher speeds.
- Wednesday – Chill, yo!
- Thursday -TrainerRoad Carrigain, 60 minutes of wildly mixed intervals. Aerobic endurance, some low cadence force intervals and a few sprints. I had to duck out of one of the force intervals early but followed through with the rest. I begin to sense that my FTP is dropping and I can´t push my intervals with full confidence.
- Friday – Was supposed to be an easy family run. It was a short family run, but my daughter decided to hate the stroller and shout all the way. Returned home after 5k.
- Saturday – My lonely long run. 30k in just below 3 hours. I guess it is fine to keep the pace slow, as I am only looking to build distance and confidence. I had one energy bar and a sip of water at around 20k and felt fine all the way. Afterwards I was tired but not completely shot.
- Sunday – TrainerRoad Diamond +2, supposed to be a simulation of a tough road race. Long intervals near FTP, with brutal bursts on top. I picked this workout as preparation for my next road race, but couldn’t hold it. Had to duck out of intervals, lower intensity and bail out after 60 of 90 minutes. Probably a mix of exhaustion from Saturday and the symptoms of a deteriorating FTP.

Weekly totals (time / distance / TSS):
- Swim: 0/0/0
- Bike: 45.4 / 2:00 / 122
- Running: 41.6 / 3:57 / 237
Last weeks goals:
- Three runs – 400s, long one and one with my girls – Pretty much.
- Swim. – No-
- Stretch an roll – Yes.
Goals for next week:
- Recover for Saturday – 200s and a few easy runs.
- Swim.
- Some recovery on the trainer and short HIT workout. Stay sharp, y’know.