Where did the participants of IM Hamburg come from?
I recently started dabbling with google charts to visualize data. For an analog native like me it’s pretty new to look at code when fixing a graph instead of mashing buttons in excel, but so far I’m enjoying myself and slowly getting the hang of it. Mostly because it is well documented even for the most simple minded user, like me. To try my hand at geocharts I took the number of comepetitors from each country racing in IM Hamburg. Not surprisingly, most were Germans, but maybe even more surprisingly almost half of the peope racing were not! About 1000 from Germany, 150 from the UK. A fierce 3rd place with 111 racers goes to…..nope, you’re wrong. Israel! Had me scratching my head a bit, that triathlon is so popular in Israel and that so many people are traveling to Hamburg to race an IM. But then I figured those might be Israely „expats“ or Jews living in Germany racing under Israels flag? Anyway, the map is interactive, so hovering over each country shows the number of competitors. And because I didn’t figure out how to implement a non-linear color gradient I lied about the numbers for Germany, the correct value is 990.