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Big goals – Preparing your next season

Big goals – Preparing your next season

Around our latitudes the tri season is very shortlived. It begins end of April and before you´ve fully settled into your rhythm and feel like you´re on top of your game September rolls around and it is all over again. And as soon as you´re crossing the finish line at your last big event you hear the nagging voice in your head asking „what´s next?“. So here we are. Hopefully with a big season behind us and an even bigger…

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The two-level approach to triathlon training

The two-level approach to triathlon training

Doing triathlons is hard. Because swimming in a crowd getting punched in the face is hard. Because riding a bicycle for extended amounts of time sitting on your crotch is hard. Because running long distances after spending long hours swimming and biking is hard. Not pooping your pants is hard. Figuring out what gear works for your body is hard. Finding time between work and family is hard. Maintaining the facade of some resemblance of a social life when you´re…

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Planning the next season

Planning the next season

Time to make plans for next year! Actually I´ve already completed like 70% of my plans but haven´t written about them because I don´t know. Probably because didn’t´t feel like writing. My laptop sucks and I´ve been traveling a fair bit and overall had the „no-one cares anyway“-blues. Then I relized how much writing stuff down regularly helped me this year and here I am. So, they say your goals shall be hard but within reach. They should scare you…

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