Boston Blog Week 01 – A Well Paced Start

Boston Blog Week 01 – A Well Paced Start

On Dec. 29th I went to a local jump hall with the kids and destroyed two middle toes on my right foot. At first I was convinced they were broken, but fortunately they only appeared severely bruised the next morning. Still, I couldn’t run for a few days and was doomed to my indoor bike trainer instead.

Training Week

DayActivityDurationDistancePace / NP
MondayVO2-Max Bike60 Min26km184
TuesdayEndurance Bike75 Min34km163
WednesdayEndurance Run55 Min10km5:33 Min/km
ThursdayEndurance Bike60 Min26km162
FridayEndurance Run w/ 2k tempo63 Min12km5:11 Min/km
SaturdayEndurance Bike90 Min41km171
SundayEndurance Run87 Min16km5:26 Min/km

My weight sat at 71.3kg at the beginning of the week and my target running mileage for this week was 25km. I ended the week on 71.4kg, 38km running and 4h 45m cross-training (all indoor-bike).

The bike workouts were fairly easy, not raising my FTP-setting at the first chance was a good choice. The run on Wednesday, New Year, was fairly unremarkable, if not a bit windy. The foot held up well.

Thursday was another day cross-training with a 60 Min Z2 ride on the turbo. Friday I went out for a run and injected some pace, 2 x 1000m at 4:00 Min/km flat. On a rough gravel track in my lunch break it felt alright. One of the reasons why I am hesitant to follow through with any of the popular training plans is that I am too worried about getting injured and not worried enough about flat out speed. Historically I never struggled with speed, but with Endurance and strength.

Saturday yet another day cross-training on the turbo trainer. Still trying to keep runs to every other day, supplementing my week with endurance work on the bike to continue losing weight and farm those sweet sweet mitochondriae.

Sunday: Long run. We had harsh weather with snow and ice on my usual long run routes and so I decided to rock the trail shoes and go into the forrest. Nice and mellow snowy run, meeting and greeting plenty other runners. Way more traffic than normal on my routes, I guess the new-years-effect is strong. Anyway, I clocked 16km in barely under 90 minutes. Not fast, but I had a good time and enough juice to take my daughter to the pool afterwards.

Work Out of the Week

My Sunday long run. Some snowy drizzle, icy trails and unusually many other runner on my route.

The Running Scatter

For years I’ve been experimenting with different ways to visualize my running progress during a training block. Never really satisfied, I eventually settled on the scatterplot below. It shows run speed over run distance for instance of running within the visualized period. If this goes well, we should be able to track whether or not I am able to push the envelope of my training.

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